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- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Release Notes: CD-ROM and CD-ROM
- info root directory
- rel_note.txt rel_note.txt
- IDL Version 5.0
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- This document discusses known anomalies in IDL version 5.0.
- NOTE: Please read any platform-specific notes files contained in
- the "info" directory before installing IDL.
- Note to IDL BETA and Pre-Release Users
- --------------------------------------
- Remove your Beta or Pre-Release installation of IDL
- We recommend that you completely remove your IDL 5.0
- beta or Pre-Release installation before installing
- the final release version of IDL 5.0. If you are
- using Microsoft Windows, be sure to remove the old
- IDL program group as well. (If you use Windows 95
- or Windows NT version 4.0, use "Add/Remove Programs"
- in the control panel.)
- While IDL will function properly if you do not remove
- the beta or Pre-Release installation, several files
- have been moved or renamed. Starting fresh will reduce
- the chances for confusion.
- If you are running Microsoft Windows, and you have created
- new macros in the IDL Development Environment or otherwise
- modified your macros.ini file, save the file before removing
- the old version of IDL (or before installing the new version
- if you do not remove the old version -- the old file will be
- overwritten by the installation program). You can merge your
- file with the new macros.ini file after installation.
- Delete or Rename .idlde Resource Files (Unix and VMS)
- The final release version of IDL installs a new .idlde
- file that contains additional macros. Delete the existing
- .idlde file from your home directory before running the
- final release version of IDL. If you have customized this
- file (either manually or via the Macros menu), you can
- rename the file and merge your changes into the new version
- that is created when you run IDL.
- Delete Insight Template and Preference Files:
- If you have been using the IDL version 5.0 Pre-Release
- on a Unix or VMS system, and have been using Insight,
- you must remove the following files:
- Unix:
- ~/.insight.ipj
- ~/.insight.prf
- VMS:
- On Windows and Macintosh systems, before installing the new IDL
- distribution, either rename or delete the old distribution so
- that the template and preferences files will be installed correctly.
- Delete Insight Project Files:
- If you have created any project files (*.ipj files) of your own,
- you will not be able to use them with the final release version
- of Insight. Please delete them before installing IDL.
- IDL Development Environment
- ---------------------------
- Recall Buffer Size (Windows Only)
- You cannot change the size of the IDL for Windows command
- line recall buffer via the "General" tab of the Preferences
- dialog.
- You can change the number of command lines saved in the recall
- buffer by setting the value of the !EDIT_INPUT system variable
- equal to the number of lines you would like to save. In order
- for the change to take effect, IDL must be able to process the
- assignment statement before providing a command prompt. This
- means that you must put the assignment statement in the IDL
- startup file. (See "Startup File" in chapter 2 of _Using IDL_
- for more information on startup files.)
- Hiding the Toolbar (SGI Irix 5.3 Only)
- Under Silicon Graphics Irix version 5.3, a problem in the SGI
- XtIntrinsics library causes IDL to abort if the IDLDE toolbar
- is hidden. This problem does not occur under Irix versions
- 6.2 and above.
- Insight
- -------
- Insight may not behave as expected when working with data involving
- IEEE NAN (Not A Number) values.
- Saving Projects in Insight:
- If you attempt to exit Insight without saving a new or changed
- project, Insight will ask if you wish to save the project. If you
- attempt to exit IDL without saving changes you made during an
- Insight session, IDL will exit without saving your changes. Always
- exit Insight before exiting IDL.
- Writing Insight PlugIns:
- Do not call any routines (procedures or functions) from within
- a PlugIn registration function.
- Page Setup:
- The "Page Setup" option of the File menu only available on
- Macintosh platforms.
- Fonts in Object Graphics
- ------------------------
- Windows Only:
- When a large number of fonts are installed on the system, object
- graphics code that utilize IDLgrText objects will fail with a
- not enough memory error.
- Unix Only:
- If you run IDL directly from the CD-ROM (that is, without installing
- it on your system), and there is a "." in the path name you use
- to call the IDL executable, you will see font server errors from
- the Gallium Font Server. You can safely ignore these messages.
- VMS Only:
- The Gallium FontServer used by IDL for TrueType font support for
- projected text in Object Graphics is not supported on VMS platforms.
- On VMS, the IDLgrFont name property may still be set to 'Helvetica',
- 'Times', 'Courier', or 'Symbol'; a Hershey text equivalent will be
- used for these cases. Note that for on-glass text, Helvetica,
- Times, Courier, and/or Symbol fonts may be available if they are
- among the X fonts available on your system.
- OpenGL and Object Graphics
- --------------------------
- Setting RETAIN:
- Setting RETAIN=2 for Object Graphics may not be supported on
- some hardware configurations using native OpenGL. In this case,
- a warning message will be printed to the screen indicating that
- the RETAIN value will be reset to 1 (system-buffered mode).
- Sun Ultra Only:
- For the Ultra Creator 3D Graphics family of graphics accelerators,
- Sun's native implementation of OpenGL may not be included in the
- software that is bundled with the machine upon purchase; you may
- have to purchase OpenGL separately. Note that the performance of
- Object Graphics in IDL will noticeably improve if Sun's native OpenGL
- is installed.
- You can check if Sun's OpenGL is installed by determining if the
- file called libGL.so exists in the directory /usr/openwin/lib.
- The hardware OpenGL on the Sun Ultra has some bugs that become
- apparent when certain features of IDL's object graphics are used.
- These include:
- - Depth-cuing to non-black background fails (appears as if the
- colors are not clamped properly).
- - Images with an odd number of rows or columns can hang the
- graphics pipe.
- - Images may be clipped.
- - Flat shaded polygons will sometimes be displayed in the wrong
- colors (due to a two-sided lighting bug).
- - Polylines (including axis lines, etc.) that fall outside the
- edges of a view (and are therefore clipped) may be drawn
- improperly if the THICK property of the line is not equal
- to 1.
- SGI Irix and Windows Only:
- The hardware OpenGL on Irix and on Windows 95 and Windows NT has
- a bug that causes luminance-alpha texture maps not to display properly.
- Color Issues
- ------------
- Direct Color for the X Device:
- The colormap handling for the DirectColor Visual in IDL has been
- rewritten to allocate color planes. This allows shared colormaps
- to be used with DirectColor. Due to planar restrictions, fewer
- color cells may be available to DirectColor than normally
- available in the shared colormap.
- For the DirectColor or TrueColor visual, the TRANSLATION keyword
- to the DEVICE routine will now return a 768 element array. This
- array is the translation of the red channel (the first 256
- elements) followed by the green and finally the blue. The array
- values are longs. To translate the color pixel triplet (10,20,30),
- connect the values of t[10], t[20+256], and t[30+512] with OR
- (where t is the translation table) to arrive at a color pixel value.
- Problems with Motif window managers:
- Some Motif window managers (notably mwm and CDE) do not always
- properly install colormaps when switching from RGB to Indexed
- Color mode. You may notice colormap problems if you create
- IDL Object Graphics windows using RGB mode (the default), then
- create windows using indexed color mode. This is a limitation
- of the window manager; the only workaround currently available
- is to close the IDL session and restart, then open the indexed
- color mode window.
- Windows 3.11 and Indexed Color:
- Under Windows 3.11, colormaps are not handled properly in
- Object Graphics display objects (IDLgrWindow and IDLgrPrinter
- objects). As a result, window and printer objects created in
- Indexed color mode do not function properly. A solution
- for this problem is in development and will be made available
- after the IDL version 5.0 release.
- 16-bit Pixel Depths (Unix Only)
- -------------------------------
- IDL Direct Graphics do not support the use of 16-bit
- "true color" video displays on systems running Motif window
- managers.
- It _is_ possible to create indexed color windows on Unix
- machines with 16-bit video using IDL Object Graphics. Note,
- however, that routines that rely on IDL Direct Graphics
- (notably the hourglass cursor created with the command
- WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS) will not function properly in
- this situation.
- IDL DataMiner
- -------------
- Solaris and SunOS Only:
- The database connection dialog, DIALOG_DBCONNECT(), returns 0
- and the dialog does not appear. To work around this problem,
- you can use the CONNECT() method on the IDLdbDATABASE object.
- Windows NT version 4.0 Only:
- If you have installed Service Pack 2 on your Windows NT version
- 4.0 system, IDL and the IDL DataMiner may behave sporadically.
- Research Systems recommends that you _not_ install Service Pack 2.
- IDL Memory Partition (Macintosh Only)
- -------------------------------------
- In many cases, increasing the memory partition allocated to
- IDL will improve the performance of IDL. If you have memory
- available, increasing IDL's allotment will increase the
- speed of computation- or graphics-intensive operations and
- applications.
- On-line Help (Windows Only)
- ---------------------------
- If you select "Contents" from the IDLDE Help menu, and then select
- a volume other than (1) Using IDL, (2) Building IDL Applications, or
- (3) IDL Reference Guide first, you may encounter a "file not found"
- error. There are two solutions:
- - Open one of the above files, or the "IDL Online Help Navigator"
- page, before opening another help file.
- - When you get the "file not found" error, click "Yes" to find the
- file, open the "help" directory of the IDL distribution, and
- double-click on the help file you want.
- Windows will remember the location of the help file after the first
- time you have opened it.